Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lucky 22

The number 22 is the new official favorite number for the Bluth family. Two of the Bluth family's top players were born on the 22nd. 12.22 and 2.22 are glorious days in our household.

To celebrate Mr. Bluth's birthday, Adaline hit the two month mark. Which meant she had an appointment at the pediatricians and got a few shots. Luckily, she was feeling better and was in a much better mood by the time the Mr. got home, which was a nice birthday present for him. Since we are new parents and have not figured out the whole having balance thing yet, I neglected to do anything special for the Mr. on his birthday. We did, however, head over to one of our favorite neighborhoods over the weekend where not only did Mr. Bluth purchase the ingredients to make tacos de birria, but also found a place that was selling prepared birria. Saturday night, he feasted on his purchase and then he made it himself later in the week. We also got some helado and agua frescas which is a pretty good substitute for a birthday cake!

Now going back to the one that has taken over this blog -- Adaline (we call her "Goose" around here).

At two months, we are still completely in love with her and love watching all the new things she is learning. She is the real MVP. She is sleeping about 8 hours every night and on most days takes naps pretty well. She is still Miss Bright Eyes and is alert for a large amount of time during the day and spends her time looking around.

The other night when I was making dinner and the Mr. was holding and walking around with her, she had her first experience with Mickey Mouse and it was a good first encounter. I have been noticing how she likes to watch TV/tablets/computers. Well during the ABC special about Disney, they started talking about Mickey Mouse and a few snippets of cartoons were coming on and Goose let out her excited noise and started kicking her legs as she watched Mickey dance around on the television. It looks like we are going to have to take her to Disney World soon! (Editor's note: not too soon!)

She is one strong baby and not only shows off how strong her neck muscles are by holding up her head, but now is showing off her strong leg muscles. I help her balance, but she is able to stand once I pull her up. I still get asked by people about how she responds to tummy time and I just laugh because this girl may not be spending too much time on the ground practicing tummy time, but she sure gets plenty of time strengthening her muscles as the Mr. is always holding her above his head while she acts like Superwoman.

Sometimes she will sing along with us as we sing to the radio. Or she'll sit and talk to herself in her swing. But as soon as we put a camera on her, she stops talking. Must be camera shy.

Each and everyday we have grown and learned something new. So glad our little goose joined us two months ago.

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