Sunday, April 3, 2016

3 Cheers for 3 Months

Time is not standing still and our little goose is getting bigger (and louder) every day. Here is a quick recap of the things she learned to do in the last month that have us completely smitten.

Hand to Mouth: She developed the coordination to grab things--and everything is going in to her mouth. She may be turning into a "girly" girl because she loves dresses. She loves them though because she can pull the bottom of them up into her mouth. If she is wearing a dress you will most likely see part of it in her mouth at all times. Her Papi is proud because she also loves her ball and she is, of course, always trying to eat it.

BFG: She is a giant (more like the big friendly giant, though). She was lucky and did not have an appointment with the pediatrician this month so I can't technically record her length at 3 months but she has always been in the 90th percentile for height and I can tell she is not slowing down on getting longer. I keep squeezing her into 3 month pajamas, but she only has a few more nights of sleeping in them or else I will have to cut off the feet of the pajamas! Many people have commented on her height so I know it is just not me who thinks she is quite long. She is also very lean so I don't know if that is what makes her appear as a very long baby. Let's not forget that she is friendly and smiles and talks to anyone who will look at her.

Chatty Kathy: She "talks" and talks in a loud voice. Our poor neighbors are probably wondering what we are doing to our baby girl because her talking sometimes sounds more like yelling. Long gone are the days when she would make more of a quiet singing noise that would make our hearts pitter-patter because it was absolutely adorable. Now she makes us laugh with her yelling as we try to quiet her down a bit. One day she will learn the difference between inside voices and outside voices.

Favorite Toy: Her absolute toy of preference is a crinkly piece of fuzzy fabric. She grabs onto it fiercely and tries to cram it in her mouth, usually while yelling loudly. Playing with it really doesn't calm her down, it tends to rile her up the longer she plays with it. It always seems to be a contest between her and the crinkle fabric.

Bath Time: A highlight for Baby Girl every evening is bath time. She appreciates warm water and lies contentedly while she gets washed. She also waits until you let her face get close to the water before lunging for a quick swallow of bath water. Somehow she always waits until the bather is least expecting it. Clever girl.

Adventure seeker: She really has become an easy-going baby girl and handles adventures pretty well as long as she still gets fed. There was a window where I doubted that we would ever be able to leave the house for an extended period, but we are currently doing well. She usually does okay in her car-seat and loves to be able to see out of her car-seat cover.

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