Friday, January 15, 2016

Well Worth the Wait

Adaline Bluth was born on December 22, 2015 at 7:11am weighing 8 lbs. 10 oz. She arrived 13 days past her due date and she still ended up being evicted. We checked in at the hospital at 6:00am on the 21st and after a long 25 hours she joined us via a cesarean section. Due to my condition, and the fact that we loved the help, and because getting out of a hospital bed is a lot easier than a normal bed, we stayed the three nights and went home on Christmas day. We arrived home about 20 minutes before my parents arrived and they stayed a week and saved us. We could not have survived without the help of my parents.

Like any new mother, I am going to say that my baby is perfect--and she is perfect. These last three weeks we have just been figuring things out together and I think I should give her a pretty big allowance because she has been very patient with me. She does have some pretty strong lungs so she makes it pretty clear when something is not right, though.

It is incredible how much our lives changed. The other day we were laughing at all the things we have already experienced and things that don't even bother us. For example, Mr. Bluth has already slept on poop that got on our sheets after a late night diaper change before baby girl had finished. We both have spit-up and milk all over ourselves and one night after Mr. Bluth got baby girl back to sleep he laid back down in bed and I rolled over to lay my head on his chest only to put my head in her spit-up and it didn't even matter. It really is great.

People ask us how she is sleeping and how is she doing with eating and a bunch of other stuff and, honestly I don't know. I don't have any other experiences to compare her to, but we are surviving all those things and I know that her sleep and eating patterns could change any day. I do think she is being extra kind to us, especially at night.

Here are a few things that we love about Adaline:
 - She does not like to be swaddled (no need to point your fingers at us when you see her not swaddled up).
-She loves her hands up by her face and she sleeps with both arms up by her head.
-When she wakes up in the morning she makes the cutest grunts and noises.
-When she was born she already had some good eyelashes, but they are even thicker and longer now.
-She is hilarious when she is ready to eat.
-She loves to stare up at the ceiling and also the light I turn on in the middle of the night when I am feeding her.
-She smiles.

She was well worth the wait.

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