Friday, October 12, 2018


The dreaded day has come. We've reached a new parenting level and we're realizing how unprepared we are. Adaline has learned a word that I can't figure out how to respond to. She has started asking "why?"

Whenver anything doesn't go her way, she asks why?

"Adaline, por favor ayudame a levantar y organizar to ropa."


"Por que es tu ropa."


"Por que tu la sacaste de la caja."


"I don't know why! Why don't you tell me why!"

She's only two and is just developing language, but so far, I have not been able to satisfactorily answer any of her inquisitions. I have completely failed at communicating with her and is frustrating for both of us.

I'm sure the next 16 years will be a blast.

Language is fascinating to watch her pick up. Right now she insists that I say always say "por favor" and that Mrs. Bluth always say "please". And she will even occasionally hold herself to that same rule (saying "por favor" to me and "please" to Mrs. Bluth). She has noticed a pattern and has implemented a rule in the little piece of the universe that she controls.

She has a several other favorite sayings like:
"You don't listen to me!" (when she wants to do something that we've told her not to do)
"I'm tired" (when she wants to do something that we've told her not to do)
"That makes me sad." (when she wants to do something that we've told her not to do)

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