Tuesday, October 11, 2016

9 Months

How is it possible that our baby girl is 9 months old?! Lately our hearts have been bursting as she is really becoming her own and she is wooing us with her personality. A few of our favorite things are listed below about our strong willed Adaline:

-JT. I can't believe that we have neglected to mention Adaline's love for JT (Justin Timberlake). When I say love, I mean the strong and deep kind of love. For months now she has been obsessed with his song "Can't Stop the Feeling" from the movie Trolls. There have been times when the only thing to calm her down is to play the music video. If we start playing the song, she dramatically stops whatever she is doing and starts dancing. My mom heart has been melting as I have watched her start twerking ever since she started crawling. She gets so excited and will run to the iPad or phone that is playing the song and dance and smile. She dances to other music, but there is something special about this one song.

-Talking. Okay so it is really more the baby babbling, but she loves to have control of the conversation and will just keep talking. 

-Mimicking. We may have a future class clown on our hands. She loves to mimic those around her, especially her parents. She waves, claps, and changes the range of her voice to match the person who is paying attention to her. Mr. Bluth had a very proud dad moment when he was walking home and wearing her in the baby carrier one evening. He kept making a sing song noise for her and she would repeat him and they continued this for the walk home and every passerby was enamored. 

-Crawling. She crawls everywhere and is walking around all over while holding onto furniture. I think we actually have some time before she decides she wants to walk. She has the strength to do it, but just like everything else with Adaline, she has to do it on her own when she wants. We try helping her stand up and practice walking, but she refuses and sits down or just picks up her feet. She enjoys standing and letting go, but as soon as I show any ounce of excitement, she decides she is done. 

-Underneath Mrs. Bluth's chair. Her favorite place in this world is underneath her mom's chair. As soon as she is put down, she scoots underneath her mom's chair to play. Sometimes she plays with the tags and sometimes she just rests her arms on the chair supports and lounges. It's her little safe space.

At her 9 month check-up we saw for the first time some stranger danger. She loves people and she loves attention, but she did not like the doctor picking and prodding. It will be interesting to see how she responds when we go to the pediatricians office again as I have been warned that she will remember the place and will remember negative things such as shots. She has continued to grow the same and is about 75% in height and 25% in weight. 

We love this little girl and are grateful for her patience with us as we make countless mistakes. I sometimes worry about her inability to be controlled, but I am soon reminded that our job is to love her and help her grow and develop using the personality and characteristics that she possesses. I am excited for the future, although sometimes I just want time to stand still and for my baby to stay little.


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