Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mr. Bluth is a Doctor

On May 17, 2015, Mr. Bluth graduated and became a Juris Doctor. When asked by my father if he wanted to start being called Doctor Bluth, my incredible husband responded with “no thanks.” The man steers as far away from being pretentious as possible and I ADORE him and his humility. (Editor's  note: I asked to be called "Esquire," the more attorney-ish term)  So I will not refer to him as Dr. Bluth, but he worked so hard to earn those credentials that I have to refer to him at least once in writing.

As should be, celebrations were due so we spent the weekend with my parents and Mr. Bluth’s parents and grandparents. It was a joyous time spent at a Cub’s game, enjoying delicious food, observing Chicago’s architecture via a boat, and a good old mid-western hike. The week before everyone came in town was more than just a bit hard and my parents had to endure a couple of crying phone calls. So it was a huge relief that everything went so smoothly that weekend. We never get tired of showing our city off and it doesn't matter how many times you visit Chicago, there is still always something new to see!

I need to quickly detour and brag about myself because I sat through a 12 inning and over 5 hour baseball game! I really do love going to baseball games, but I love the environment and novelty of it just a little bit more than I love the actual game. So watching the players warm up and staying for 12 innings was an accomplishment for me this weekend. I know, nothing in comparison to what the Mr. had just accomplished, but I sat there and I enjoyed the game. The end of the game is when it got really exciting so it was worth staying for the whole game. And our Cubbies won!

Before graduation, I had a lot of friends express their excitement and commended me on surviving it too. I usually would laugh and say that it was not too bad and that I had it a lot easier than Mr. Bluth. I spent time today reading my personal journal and I was surprised at how many times I would write things such as “I spent the weekend doing _____ while Mr. Bluth studied all weekend” or “Mr. Bluth didn't have to study on Saturday and it was amazing to spend the entire day together!”. I can honestly stand here today and say that it was not that bad because overall it was so worth it and because I hardly remember the hard days although Mr. Bluth may think differently. Hard things happen in life and you do your best and you move forward.

I also found a few journal entries that talked about how Mr. Bluth got an externship with a judge or this internship, or how he made the International Moot Court team. I quickly realized, that he did so much in just three short years. Mr. Bluth proposed to me just a couple days before he left for law school and I had no idea what the process was going to be like or what kind of jobs you could do with a law degree or anything about the law in fact. So I have been more than amazed at his accomplishments and the amount of work he put into this degree. Sadly, I still get frustrated with his powerful arguing skills. The few “discussions” we have had have always made me a little upset because he argues so well and throws out lingo that I don’t understand. For some silly reason my passion is not an effective persuasion tool and most of the time I can’t come up with any logic and I assume my feelings are more powerful than any logic or evidence. “Just take my side” doesn't convince this highly intelligent man.

Law school has made my husband lose a lot of his hair (yes- I still struggle with baldness) and has meant that our marriage has frequently consisted of him being gone a lot, but law school has been an incredible ride for the both of us and a ride for which we are both grateful.

I probably should comment on his actual ceremony so  I will say this that his ceremony was pretty typical and exciting to see him hooded (is that a verb?!) and it was great that family could attend to show him support.

Felicidades Mr. Bluth!

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