As a single college student, you seize upon anything that is free. Attending ward activities is partly due to the fact that you will get some dessert or even better an entire meal. You do not just go to dessert night at someone's apartment to socialize, but to actually eat the food. All the student government officials that stand outside the Wilkinson Center or the Library have a better chance of talking to students if they are handing out something. And we cannot overlook all the club booths and that the most popular booths always have something to give away for
free. College students love to go home not just to see mom and dad, but to raid the pantry and food storage.
Mr. & Mrs. Bluth both experienced the single college student syndrome and all they can say is that the fanatical lifestyle of getting anything free only amplifies as a newlywed couple.
We have been enjoying the codes to get us a
free Redbox
January and February means
free Museum Days so we went to the Field Museum on Friday.
This museum is huge and there was just not enough time to look at everything. We started by visiting this little guy first. This is Mr. Bluth and Sue
We then spent most of our time learning about ancient civilizations which included looking into the civilizations from Mexico, Peru, Egypt, and all over North America. One of the many fascinating facts is that there were sloths that were 10 feet tall!
There was an exhibit that highlighted women's fashion throughout the ages and there was a wall covered in women's shoes. A girl can never have too many pairs of shoes.
We also learned about the Tsavo Lions and they are huge. This one was shot in 1991 in a small village in Zambia. This lion killed at least 6 people and the citizens in the village did not know what to do because it was against the law to hunt lions, so a man from Chicago was on a Safari and he heard the story and went and killed the man-eater. This lion may not look too big, but it is the largest man-eating lion ever recorded.
Another furry friend we came across was Bushman. He was adopted by Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo in 1930 and is a legend. On a single day in June, about 120,000 people came to see him when it was thought he was dying.
The Field Museum has been focusing on natural history since 1893 and they have an amazing collection.
We got to see and learn about many things and it was all
Mr. Bluth rode the train for free while Mrs. Bluth had to pay, but the couple of dollars was worth the ride to the Field Museum.
On Saturday we enjoyed Chicagoland by going to the temple. The drive out to the suburbs was relaxing and the temple was beautiful.
And finally to end our weekend of
free activities we stopped at Wendy's on the way home. Here are the reasons for Wendy's.
1. Mr. Bluth loves Wendy's
2. There are no Wendy's in downtown Chicago-only in the suburbs
3. Mrs. Bluth had a gift card to Wendy's that she got for a graduation present-her High School Graduation which was in '07.
Mr. & Mrs. Bluth enjoyed splurging off the value menu as they ate their
free meal.